Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Grammar XVII (FORM)

Form is a word having subject and predicate. and form is reflected into:
-Indefinite form is a word that shows the unpermanet situation because of the sentence doesn't use object. if the name of sentence doesn't use object the person spoken to will get something confusion for that the name of sentence must be having object if the name of sentence shows the thing then no using object just to use the word "it" such is called as the representative object and if the name of sentences shows the place then no using object just to use the representative object such as: "somewhere, anywhere, out, outside" to use the word "somewhere" is used in positive sentence and to use the word "anywhere" is used in negative sentence but to use the word "out or outside" is free in usge.
-Definite form is a word that shows the permanent situation because of the sentence uses object on account of having directlty from the doer
-Imperfect form is a word that shows the continuing deed in this present time. And imperfect form is reflected into:
a. present / past perfect continuous tense is mainly used for an action which had been being done in the past time and not to connect with now.

I, You, We, They, he, She, It          - Had (aux.verb) - been - verb ing
                                                                                            adj,adv,noun (being, having, doing, getting)
b. present / past continuous tense 

I,  he, She, It          - Was    -Verb-ing
You, We, They      - Were   - Adj Adv Noun (being, having, doing, getting)

-Perfect form

Grammar XVII (Receiprocal Pronoun)

Receiprocal Pronoun is pronoun which has meaning receiprocal and the common words from receiprocal pronoun stand of:
-with each other/each other
-with one another
-to one another
the Reference: to use the word "with each other/each other" is used for two persons  and to use the word "with one another or to one another" is free in usage.

well, the name of action is done by two persons stand of:
- to speak
- to love
- to shake hand
- to fight
- to be hold
- to understand
- to correct

BA. When I had picked up Lia just now, Lia and her father had been speaking their experiences with each other.
BAA. When I was picking up Lia just now, Lia and her father were speaking their experiences each other
AA. When I picked up Lia just now, Lia and her father spoke their experiences each other

Grammar XVI (Reflexive Pronoun)

Reflexive Pronoun is pronoun which emphasizes principle meaning of the word and the common words from reflexive pronoun namely self,selves.
well, to use the word "self" it used in singular and to use the word "selves" is used in plural also reflexive pronoun is reflected into:
-The Reflexive Use is a word that shows the reflexive use.
Personal Pronoun
I, You, We, They, He, She, It
Reflexive Pronoun
By my self/my self, By your self/your self, By our selves/our selves, By Them selves/them selves, By him self/him self, By her self/her self, By it self/it self.
-The Emphatic Use is a word that shows the emphatic use.
The Reference: if Reflexive Pronoun is placed after the word nominative case such is increasing tobe the emphatic meaning. and if the word "self" is placed after the word "By" to carry along meaning "Sendirin" such is the same with "alone, insole"
-I By my self
-You By your self
-We By our selves....etc.

BA. Who had finalized your problem yesterday?
BAA. Who was finalizing your problem yesterday?
AA. Who finalized your problem yesterday?
reflexive use
BA. No body, I had finished my problem by my self yesterday
BAA. No body, I was finishing my problem by my self yesterday
emphatic use
AA. No body, I by my self finalized  my problem yesterday

Grammar XIV (Personal Pronoun)

Personal Pronoun is pronoun generally used as suject, object, or possessive. Possessive is a word that shows the owner in the sentence.
And possessive is reflected into:
-Possessive Adjective is possessive always jointly with the word noun
-Possessive Pronoun is possessive not jointly with the word noun owing to the word noun has been included in the word possessive.

Personal Pronoun is used as:
I, You, We, They, He, She, it
Me, You, Our, Their, Him, Her, it
Possessive Adjective
My, Your, Our, Their, His, Her, it
Possessive Pronoun
Mine, Yours, Ours, Theirs, His, Hers, its

Example Possessive Adjective:
BA. He has never gotten used to speaking English so far as his the English Conversation has been being self same
BAA. He is never getting used to speaking English so far as his the English Conversation is being self same
AA. He is never  gets used to speaking English so far as his the English Conversation is self same

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tugas Structure

11.3. Latihan
Kerjakan tugas-tugas dibawah ini sesuai dengan petunjuk dan ketentuan pengerjaan yang telah diberikan :
1. Buatlah program untuk menghitung nilai Hasil dari nilai UTS, UAS dan menampilkan nilai huruf yang akan didapat.Ketentuan :
- Masukan banyak data yang diinginkan untuk menentukan banyak data yang akan diproses.
- Buatlah sebuah function untuk menghitung nilai Hasil
- Nilai Hasil = (Nilai UAS * 40%) + (Nilai UTS * 60%)
• Jika Nilai Huruf = A, maka Nilai Hasil >= 80
• Jika Nilai Huruf = B, maka Nilai Hasil >= 70
• Jika Nilai Huruf = C, maka Nilai Hasil >= 56
• Jika Nilai Huruf = D, maka Nilai Hasil >= 47
• Jika Nilai Huruf = E, maka Nilai Hasil < 47
- Tampilan akhir adalah sebuah tabel, seperti dibawah ini:

2. Buatlah program untuk menghitung honor pegawai honorer dari suatu perusahaan dengan menghitung kelebihan jumlah jam kerja pegawai tersebut. Honor harian pegawai honorer sebesar Rp. 15000
Ketentuan :
- Masukan banyak data yang diinginkan untuk menentukan banyak data yang akan diproses.
- Buatlah sebuah function untuk menghitung honor lembur
- Ketentuan lembur dihitung dari kelebihan jam kerja pegawai tesebut. Jam kerja normal pegawai sebanyak 8 jam
• Jika jumlah jam kerja lebih dari 8 jam, maka kelebihan jam kerja dikalikan
Rp. 5000 + Honor harian
• Jika jumlah jam kerja hanya 8 jam tidak mendapat honor lembur, hanya
mendapat honor harian saja.

jawaban: http://www.ziddu.com/download/17873037/structure.rar.html

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grammar XIII (Distributive Adjective)

Distributive Adjective is an adjective that shows one the number of the thing.
And the common words from distributive adjective stand of:
The Reference: if the word "either" is used as distributive adjective to carry along meaning "salah satu dari kedua" such is uded in sellective sentence but if the word "neither" is used in negative to carry along meaning "tidak".

The Conclusion: to use the word "either, neither, both, every, or each" is used beside as distributive adjective such can be used as ephitet adj, predicative adj, or adj complement well, if the word "either, neither, both, every, or each" is jointly with the word noun tobe called as ephitet adj, and if the word "either, neither, both, every, or each" is placed after the word "tobe, be, been, am, are, is, was, were", tobe called as predicative adjective but if the word "either, neither, both, every, or each" is placed the last of sentence tobe called as adj complement.

Grammar V (Ever, Once)

The Reference: a.) if the word "ever" is the meaning of "pernah" tobe used in BA as present perfect tense or past perfect tense, BAA as past continuous tense, AA as past tense but if the word "ever" is used in present tense to carry along meaning "sewaktu-waktu".

b.) if the word "ever" is used in present future tense to carry along meaning "selamanya" is jointly with the word Question Word Question to carry along meaning "pun or saja".

c.) if the word "ever" is placed after the word "than" to carry along meaning "tak seperti biasanya" and if the word "once" is the meaning of "pernah" just tobe used in BA as positive sentence.

BA: Have you ever lectured abroad?
BAA: were you ever lecturing abroad?
AA: did you ever lecture abroad?